"To thine own self be true..."

Saint Gabriel, at Brown Memorial Church Baltimore Maryland"By thine own soul's law learn to live. And if men thwart thee, take no heed. And if men hate thee, have no care; Sing thou thy song, and do thy deed, hope thou thy hope, and pray thy prayer.…

Saint Gabriel, at Brown Memorial Church Baltimore Maryland

"By thine own soul's law learn to live. And if men thwart thee, take no heed. And if men hate thee, have no care; Sing thou thy song, and do thy deed, hope thou thy hope, and pray thy prayer."

"... Keep thou thy soul-worn steadfast oath,
  And to thy heart be true thy heart;
What thy soul teaches learn to know,
  And play out thine appointed part,
And thou shalt reap as thou shalt sow,
  Nor helped nor hindered in thy growth,
To thy full stature thou shalt grow.

Fix on the future's goal thy face,
  And let thy feet be lured to stray
Nowhither, but be swift to run,
  And nowhere tarry by the way,
Until at last the end is won
  And thou mayst look back from thy place
And see thy long day's journey done.- Pakenham Beatty

"The realization was that the self is the goal of individuation and that the process of individuation was not linear, but consisted of a circumambulation of the self."

"... he highlighted the significance of the midlife transition. He argued that the first half of life could be characterized as the natural phase, in which the prime aim was establishing oneself in the world, gaining an income, and raising a family. The second half of life could be characterized as the cultural phase, which involved a revaluation of earlier values. The goal in this period was one of conserving previous values together with the recognition of their opposites." This meant that individuals had to develop the undeveloped and neglected aspects of their personality. The individuation process was now conceived as the general pattern of human development. He argued that there was a lack of guidance for this transition in contemporary society. "

excerpt from The Red Book , Jung