With words, with names still to be found...

There are some who must speak, speak on to the shadow in the corners

About scarring wounds which are hard to heal

On the clearest of nights

And of ponds yawning One might say, in the face of a wall

That would hold them down.

There are some who must hug that very wall, and try to open it

With words, with names still to be found

For that which has no form and has no name.

From Elegies, by Guillevic

I saw many things on earth
I saw a child who sniffed the moon
I saw a gateless cage in which light was fluttering a flight of stairs that love was mounted to the roof of heaven
I saw a woman pounding light in a mortar...

Excerpt The Water's Footsteps by,Sohrab Sepehri


h.c.love song of the moon