"A spring of visions and resurrections, listen to me as one listens to the rain, the years go by the moments return..."

Lisa Jane

Lisa Jane


"Listen to me as one listens to the rain, not attentive not distracted, light footsteps thin drizzle,

water that is air, air that is time... figurations of mist at the turn of the corner, figurations of time at the bend in this pause,

listen to me as one listens to the rain, without listening hear what I say with eyes open inward, asleep with all five senses awake, its raining , light footsteps... a murmur of syllables, air and water, words with no weight: what we were and are, the days and years , this moment, weightless time and heavy sorrow... your fingers of air open eyelids of time, a spring of visions and resurrections..."

Excerpt from , A Tree Within by Octavio Paz

"It is mere idle maya, the play of clouds, casting away the mind's desire to the winds. It is merely the weaving and snapping of wreaths, A moments laughter and cry ending in a song. all day long with the sunshine on the green leaves The flowers with their own shadows play; This is also playing with shadows in the summer wind. Losing my way wittingly in the land of wizardry I wander thoughtlessly about the livelong day; Anywhere I gather flowers to give to someone, In the evening they droop and are scattered in the wood. Absent -minded I sing, some one hears or not hears, Some one may remember, some one may draw nigh."

- "The Making of Songs", Rabindranath Tagore


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"Lean fare, austere forms, brief delight, few words...'

'Low down in cool space One star - The morning star. in the pale light of sparseness lives the real Thing, And we are real."

"Light without a visible source, the pale gold of a new day. low bushes, their soft silk-gray leaves silvered with dew. All over the hills, the cool red of the cat's-foot in flower. A blue horizon. Emerging from the ravine where a brook runs under a canopy of leaves, I walk out onto a wide open slope. drops, sprinkled by swaying branches, glitter on my hands, cool my forehead, and evaporate in the gentle morning breeze."

~ Dag Hammarskjold- Markings

Sunrise, California H.C.Love

Your time is the deeper seed of the eternity that is waiting to welcome you.

"I have seen the light break through to illuminate a small field for awhile and gone my way and forgotten it. But that was the pearl of great prize, the one field that had the treasure in it. I realize now that I must give all that I have to possess it. Life is not hurrying on to a receding future nor hankering after an imagined past, it is the turning aside like Moses to the miracle of the lit bush. to a brightness that seems as transitory as your youth once, but is the eternity that awaits you." R.S.Thomas


"Your time here is not just past or future. Your time here always inhabits the circle of your soul. All your time is gathered, and even your future time is waiting here for you.. .Your time is the deeper seed of the eternity that is waiting to welcome you"  - John O'Donohue, Anam Cara

The new Album Light Breaks is Available on iTunes.

Sunrise Tulum, H.C.Love 2007

Sunrise Tulum, H.C.Love 2007

Melting and transformation, the crystal and the seed, the endless possibility of form...

"The shape of the labyrinth. The shape of the cave. Space divided and not divided. Space mutable, we say, separation becoming union. space changing. The new shape. Melting and transformation, the crystal and the seed, the endless possibility of form..."

Susan Griffin, Woman and Nature

"The fable of Proteus has a cordial truth. A leaf, a drop, a crystal, a moment of time is related to the whole and partakes of the perfection of the whole. Each particle is a microcosm, and faithfully renders the likeness of the world."

Ralph Waldo Emerson excerpt from, The Portable Emerson


" In the window niche She waits for the sunrise."

"Her space The cosmos flooded with The earth her vision. the space where her feelings pulled her apart and what was inside her was revealed.. and this lit her way. Space where, in her circling motion, she found an opening."

We Enter a New Time...

- Susan Griffin, Woman and Nature

"Red evenings in March. news of death. begin anew- what has ended? Night. Plains. An empty hall. In the window niche She waits for sunrise..."

"You wake from dreams of doom and - for a moment - you know: beyond all the noise and the gestures, the only real thing, love's calm unwavering flame in the half light of an early dawn."

-  excerpts from, Markings, Dag Hammarskjold



"Forgetful one, get up! Its dawn, time to start searching...'

...Open your wings and lift. give like the blacksmith even breath to the bellows. tend the fire that changes the shape of metal. Alchemical work begins at dawn, as you walk out to meet the Friend.'Lalla

...Open your wings and lift. give like the blacksmith even breath to the bellows. tend the fire that changes the shape of metal. Alchemical work begins at dawn, as you walk out to meet the Friend.'




"At the deepest level, breath is sister of spirit. One of the most ancient words for spirit is Ruah;

this is also the word for air or wind. Ruah also denotes pathos, passion, and emotion - a state of the soul. The word suggests that God was like breath and wind because of the incredible passion and pathos of divinity... the world of thought resides in the air, All our thoughts happen in the air element. Our greatest thoughts come to us from the generosity of the air. it is here that the idea of inspiration is rooted _ you inspire or breathe in the thoughts concealed in the air element. Inspiration can never be programmed. You can prepare, making yourself ready to be inspired, yet it is spontaneous and unpredictable. it breaks the patterns of repetition and expectation. Inspiration is always a surprising visitor."

John O'Donohue Anam Cara

"It takes a golden ear to be empty enough of itself to hear clearly"

"According to another ancient teaching, man has three ears: the outer.. the part you see, bears the name ear but which does not hear anything; the inner ear, with all its intricate resonating devices, which connects with the brain and the rest of the body and tells us what sound the ether is carrying; and the whole man, from the top of his head to the soles of his feet and from his heart to his intellect, who "hears the meaning of what the sound is saying."

"Listening requires a centering discipline if we are to understand each other. For what we say will be related to our past and future, to our health and mood and ambitions and self- image, our needs and our ideals'... it will also be related to the weather, the season, to moonlight and the stars; it will be related to the history of man, to the history of the individual, to nature and evolution at every level; it will also be affected by the relationship between us."

Excerpt from Centering, by M.C.Richards

A picture I took of Christopher Hedge at the amazing Magic Shop Studios while working on the post production mixes of my album Light Breaks. Fine tuning and listening to the mixes and the sound waves, while the waves break out side.

Christopher is not only a master of working with sound but also has mastered the technology and the tools to support a works sound and vision. With a laser like focus he is able to hear the places in the mixes that require adjustments in order to seamlessly bring the songs into a more cohesive  whole. 

The sound of air is wavering

"The sound of air is wavering its form zigzag, and its color blue. Its voice is heard in storms, when the wind blows, and in the whisper of the morning breeze. Its effect is breaking, sweeping and piercing. It has a tendency to kindle the fire of the heart... The air sound overpowers all other sounds, for it is living, and in every aspect its influence produces ecstasy.' Harmony is the result of the relation between color and color, the relation between sound and sound, and the relation between color and sound."

from The Mysticism of Sound by, Hazrat Inayat Khan

"In Haydn's oratorios, the notes present to the imagination not only motions, as of the snake, the stag, and the elephant, but colors also; as the green grass. The law of harmonic sounds reappear in the harmonic colors."

Excerpt from Nature, The Portable Emerson, Ralph Waldo Emerson

After the rain storm yesterday, a photo I took of a double rainbow